Event: Winter Town Hall

Date:  Wednesday 24th January 2024

Time: 7pm - 8.30 pm GMT

Location:  Zoom online

The KIN Town Hall is an opportunity for our Network of Black activists, organisers and campaigners to stay informed, discuss challenges, raise topics that affect our lives, offer ideas and pollinate. 

This is about Everyday activism - creating and deepening connections inside black communities working for collective liberation. Events like these help us to stay atuned to the political landscape, hear more about how different policies impact our communities and collectively explore the ways in which we can address this locally. Think relationship-building, listening and collective solution finding.

Get in touch if you’d like to attend this event or subscribe to our mail out.

Contact: Info@kinfolknetwork.com


Solidarity Map: How do we practise care for each other in activism? 


Event: Roundtable Discussion